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Talking directly with author Mark Spragg about his lyrical, coming-of-age memoir, Where Rivers Change Direction, greatly deepened our appreciation and understanding of the book. Our book club literary hostess, Judy Blunt, was able to connect us with him for an hour-long conversation where he addressed questions that our readers had posed, and we had lots […]
It was a great stroke of luck when Kate Dunn came out to Dunrovin Ranch to inquire about horseback riding some years ago. Little did she or we know where this was going to lead. Kate has an affinity for animals and baked goods. She also has a whimsical mind and talented hands to translate […]
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Mackenzie Cole has been involved with Dunrovin Ranch for a long time, in a number of different capacities. He is a creative writer, a poet, an editor, a Master Clicker Animal Trainer, and is more than competent on the back side of a website or in video production. He is a Master Jack of many […]
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It’s all about Harriet. Harriet Osprey has been the one constant throughout the years since we installed our web camera above her nest. She delights us. She amazes us. Her endurance, perseverance, dedication, strength, and total commitment to life have earned our respect, our admiration, and, yes, our love. How is it that you can love […]