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Anthropomorphism is the interpretation of what is not human or personal in terms of human or personal characteristics. It seems that anthropomorphism is natural for people—especially for animals with human-like physical characteristics, like other mammals. Web cameras have definitely expanded our inclination to anthropomorphize to birds. It is almost impossible for viewers of nest web […]
Lady Lonza’s first two foals had been born during the night within 48 hours of her “waxing,” which is the term used to describe the first drips of a mare’s rich initial milk-colostrum-that begins to drip from her teats. So, when Lonza began to “wax” on Sunday, April 30, I rang the bell […]
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On August 22, 2014 one of the Dunrovin wranglers was guiding a trail ride across the Bitterroot River when she spotted a dead bird lying face down in a pool of water. Knowing that everyone was concerned about the male osprey from the Dunrovin nest, Ozzie, she retrieved the body and brought it back […]