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Merging Waters Give up your selfishness, and you shall find peace; Like water mingling with water, you shall merge in absorption. -Sri Guru Granth Sahib Were I not a member of this family, I am not sure I would believe in its existence. It defies all commonly held beliefs about families, especially about mixed families […]
How I came to Love my Broken Body I will not try to fool you or myself by saying that physical beauty no long matters to me. Smooth, supple bodies full of strength, youth, and vitality still draw my attention and appreciation. They still invoke envy. But, I can say that the focus of my […]
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Guiding Elliot Lucky are those possessed by grand passions. Life informed by passionate pursuits holds joy, drive, curiosity, and sacrifice. One’s passions are never silenced, always calling out to ignore the impossible in seeking its fulfillment. Robert Lee’s passions for fishing, writing, humor, and the English language are in full display in his lovely little […]
Living with our Jack Russell terrier, Kola, has been an exercise in patience, anger management, deceptive manipulation, restraint, and finding the humor in every situation. My son Jake really said it best: “Kola is the best worst thing we’ve ever had.” Whoever thought a Jack Russell Terrier would make a great city apartment dog must […]
Snow Drawings – Toward Forward What Haunts and Heals is Cumulative Dunrovin’s 2017 Artist in Residence, Beth Huhtala, is an artist of the earth. It is clear that she truly inhabits wherever she is, and that wherever she is truly inhabits her. She becomes one with the natural world of wherever she finds herself. Lucky […]
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It always amazes me when I read in some national horse magazine, blog, or Facebook page that dogs and horses don’t mix. Most often such articles claim that dogs’ unpredictable behaviors can be the cause of serious accidents, startling both horses and riders, chasing wildlife, or getting underfoot when horses begin to gallop. Clearly, the […]
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