I wonder if osprey romances are anything like human romances. It is a total mystery why some people “click” and others do not. Falling in love is an inexplicable force of nature that has, thus far, defied psychologists and neuroscientists alike. Our falling head over heels seldom has anything to do …
The Original Ozzie Osprey
Even before installing the web camera above the ospreys' nest at Dunrovin, we had referred to the mating pair as Ozzie and Harriet. Our ground-level view did not afford us the opportunity to really get to know the birds as individuals. We occasionally used our binoculars or spotting scope to …
June 2017: What's In a Name?
Harriet's and Hal's three lovely little chicks broke through their respective eggs on June 1, 2, and 4, 2017. In the following days, the chicks have proven themselves to be healthy and voraciously hungry. Luckily, Hal is up to the task. In spite of the high waters in the Bitterroot River, …