BROADCAST: Thursday June 18, 2:30 PM “The right picture can have a dramatic impact on a single person. It can inspire them. It can easily conjure up some long-lost memory that has been buried deep within the gray matter for years, and with that memory comes a flood of emotions,” says photographer …
Clicking with Mackenzie & the DIVAS Episode 26
BROADCAST: Tuesday, June 16, 2020, at 2:30 PM. As humans, we owe our animal companions a level of understanding that ensures their security and happiness in life, but a lot of commonly known animal "wisdom" is, unfortunately, anything but that. SERIES: Clicking with Mackenzie Story: DIVA …
AOP Broadcast: Barnegat Light (NJ) and Emma (Colorado) Nests
BROADCAST Thursday June 11, 2020, 2:30 PM Ospreys are nesting. Eggs are incubating. Chicks are hatching. Fish deliveries are being counted. This week, we highlight the Barnegat Light nest in New Jersey and Emma Colorado's nest in Pitkin County. SERIES: Awesome Osprey Project / LEARNING ADVENTURE: …