Harriet's and Hal's three lovely little chicks broke through their respective eggs on June 1, 2, and 4, 2017. In the following days, the chicks have proven themselves to be healthy and voraciously hungry. Luckily, Hal is up to the task. In spite of the high waters in the Bitterroot River, Hal has …
Mother Harriet Osprey
Anthropomorphism is the interpretation of what is not human or personal in terms of human or personal characteristics. It seems that anthropomorphism is natural for people—especially for animals with human-like physical characteristics, like other mammals. Web cameras have definitely expanded our …
Will the Drama Ever End
Over the years, we have had a lot of exciting events occur at the ospreys’ nest. Some have been incredibly joyful, such as chicks hatching and fledging, BIG fish deliveries, and the return of the adults each spring. Some events have been scary and have had our web-camera viewers holding …